19 June, 2009


Well, I have to admit that this is my first blog posting. Ever. It's entirely possible that you are far more excited about that than I am. Writing comes naturally to some people- at least in different ways. Some writers are very adept at choosing what to write about, and some are very adept at how to write about them. Personally, I'm the latter. For the life of me, I could not decide on what to write in this quasi-monumental post (my best friend has been harassing me for ages to start a blog in companionship with my business interests- she's a certified event planner, FYI. And a very good one. Not that I know this from personal experience, as I'm unmarried.. but I have experienced some of her work first hand.). That was very tangent-y, wasn't it? Back to the subject at hand- what to write about. How does one decide? I agonized for the better portion of an afternoon. I tried many tricks to self-inspire. A glass of scotch. Browsing blogs of the 'pros.'

(another tangent sorry... but I have to point out that 'pros' and 'prose' are pronounced exactly the same. And 'prose' is what this blog is. Har har. I know... love me or hate me, I'm an incredible nerd at heart)

Again, back to the subject at hand. How to decide? So, I had a glass of scotch (a very smooth MacMillan ten year, I might add). And then browsed over a few long-running blogs. After that, I watched the antics of Hank Moody, writer extraordinaire of Californication (Amazingly enough, David Duchovny is believable as a character other than the Fox. Not that I ever watched the X-Files much. Although I did go to high school with a guy who had an obsessive crush on Scully).

Even this didn't help. So, after practicing my eyebrow furrows and nose-crinkles in my mirror for a considerable amount of time... it dawned on me. I sat down, and began to type. And now, for your reading pleasure, a blog about indecision. Why indecision? Because it's my blog and I can bloody well blog about anything that I wish.

Oh, and because this is a blog about image and perception, here's my self-mandated theme tie-in:

Men (yes, even caucasian men), CAN in fact wear pink and look incredibly good. To those men who say that pink is not manly, consider this: it takes far more brass in the southern regions to do something that you will be judged on than it does to conform and follow the herd. Ps, most women that I've crossed paths with LOVE a man in pink. Just a thought.


  1. I have officially dressed 6 men in pink French Cuff shirts over the last month and they all look fantastic. This includes a 58 year old chronic khakis and tshirts (similar to someone I once knew *wink wink*) wanting something nice to wear to his daughter's wedding and a very sweet man who was dressed in all black, bald, and had quite a long and frizzy goatee.

    Love your first blog Paul, and thanks for acknowledging me as your best friend in this infinite space that will last for eternity!

  2. Paul - I notice you've started a blog. Perhaps you've also noticed mine: www.hotmisst.blogspot.com

    You may notice that it's about how I'm trying to be hot. You may also notice that your job is to make people hot. Conclusion?

